Pornstar Martin

Martin Spell

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Love her boots hot clip MONSIEUR MARTIN - PORNSTAR MARTINI BLONDE boys stories. Combining flavors of passion fruit, vanilla, and sparkling wine, the Porn Star Martini has become modern classic cocktail that's dazzled tastebuds for more. Here you'll find out how to make a Pornstar Martini cocktail, including tips & tricks to get truly professional results. Home Recipes Vodka Cocktails Pornstar. We're continuing our cocktail-making evenings, with a classic passion fruit Martini, also known as the porn star martini, this fruity vanilla vodka cocktail. Create the perfect Pornstar Martini with this step-by-step guide. 1. Grab a shaker and drop in a slice of pineapple. 2. Use your muddler to mash that. This - oz pineapple juice for foam and improves the overall texture and taste of a pornstar martini.

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