Lois Ayers

Lois Ayers

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Lois Ayres.

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Yes fuck read head to search. 21 likes, 4 comments - therealloisayres on March 24, "But, it's got to been done so spring cleaning for the next two days. Lois Ayers is known as an Actor. Some of their work includes King Kung Fu. Choose sugarpot.com.au for Lois Ayres naked in an incredible selection of hardcore FREE Porn videos. The hottest pornstars doing their best work can always be. Lois L. Ayers, 78, of Pleasant Ridge, passed away Wednesday, March 24, , in Ludington. She was born Dec. 20, , in Grand Rapids, the daughter of the. and Shawn Florey. She is also survived by nineteen great grandchildren. In addition to her parents and husband, she was preceded in death by a daughter.

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