Spanking And Enema Stories

Enema Discipline

Very upscale pretty xxxno An enema from Aunt Maria. In , I was 13 Even though the incident was not really a conventional spanking All Maman stories are copyright. Yes several times. Just enough to be uncomfortable while I got spanked. The embarssing part was have to bend over and expose your butt hole. Mystery of self-spanking by men revealed. by Ashesh9 in BDSM 12/29/ I did not tell them that I would have a spanking and enema waiting for me upon my arrival. Good story, thanks for sharing. + Art & Books · Politics & News. › story › Chaptercontinued.

‘enemas’ stories.

An Enema, A Birthday Spanking, A Love Story by J G Knox | Smart Bitches, Trashy Books An Enema, A Birthday Spanking, A Love Story by J G Knox.

Gorgeous pussy would love to fuck you Tag Archives: enema photo sex. New MMSA corporal punishment story by Bunbuster: A Spanking & An Enema from a Neighbor-A Danny Story. Gloria sat transfixed by the story, her eyes scanned both Jenna and Gina, her breath was raspy as she asked, “Has he ever done that to you?” Both seemed taken. The narrator wants to wake her husband so he can give her an enema, but he's old, he doesn't feel well, and he's sleeping. For those with an interest, I will write occasional short bed-time stories in this blog with a spanking and enema theme. It helps motivate me to write a story. Mystery of self-spanking by men revealed. by Ashesh9 in BDSM 12/29/

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